Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của số lượng rãnh roto đến đặc tính làm việc của động cơ không đồng bộ 5,5kW 4 cực dựa trên phần mềm ANSYSMAXWELL
Asynchronous motors are the most widely used type of motor in industrial applications in general and in mine electrical equipment in particular due to their sturdy structure, low price, low maintenance costs, and high performance. The structure and the number of rotor slots greatly influence the working characteristics of an asynchronous motor. Therefore, during asynchronous motor design, we must make the structure and number of slots reasonable to maximize motor performance. When designing asynchronous motors, it's critical to calculate the number of rotor slots and other parameters, as well as to thoroughly study the effects of torque ripple and motor vibration. In the article, the authors research the effect of the number of rotor groove teeth on the working mode of motors with different numbers of groove teeth. A 3-phase squirrel cage asynchronous motor with a capacity of 5.5 kW and 4 poles was used as a research model on Ansys Maxwell software by the authors.
Keywords: Asynchronous motors, Ansys Maxwell software, rotor slots, working characteristics, simulation model.
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