Phát triển kinh tế tuần hoàn ở việt nam: Cơ hội, thách thức và những giải pháp khắc phục
Faced with global problems such as environmental pollution, global warming, depleted mineral resources, supply disruptions due to geopolitical instability,... the transition from the traditional linear economy Switching to a circular economy model is an inevitable trend of today. In the process of converting the economic model to a circular economy during the 4.0 industrial revolution, Vietnam is a developing country with a late starting point, so in addition to great opportunities, there are also many difficulties need to be overcome. In this paper, the authors present research results on the concept, goals, decentralization and role of the circular economy model; Identify difficulties and challenges and propose synchronous solution groups to overcome them when developing a circular economy model in Vietnam.
Keywords: circular economy, sustainable development, industrial revolution 4.0, economic model, linear economy.
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